Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Prices (as of January 2019)

Boxer 10-18 years old (born 2001 - 2009) $90

Boxer 19+ years old (born before 2000) $110

Club $190

Club and Coach $300 (includes membership)

Coach $110 (includes membership)

Assistant Coach $110 (includes membership)

Provisional second (does not include membership)

Officials $60

Membership $60 (over 18s)


Registration & Payment

  • Only boxers 19 + can register and pay online using the Registration/Renew link provided.  (Credit card surcharge applies) 
  • those registering and are under 19 must be completed by a parent.            

                           ** If you were registered last year please select "Renew" **


  •  Coaches, Clubs and Officials etc must be completed manually by scanning the registration form  below, then depositing payment with your name as the description, to the Boxing WA account:

Boxing WA
BSB 036073
A/C 196176